Signature Dining

Fancy a signature dining experience to make someone feel extra special?

Calamansi Cove offers guests 4 extra-ordinary locations to choose from for their signature dining experience. Savour the mouth-watering masterpieces concocted by our in-house chefs at your preferred location, whether on the beach, in the well-manicured garden or in the comforts of your private villa. Our Signature Dining experience in Sri Lanka is ideal for special occasions.

Dine where you want to, we leave it entirely up to you.

Treat yourself to breakfast in bed, have lunch in the shade surrounded by the lush foliage in our garden or enjoy a BBQ dinner on the sandy shores of Ahungalla with a cold glass of champagne to celebrate life’s most special moments. Create memories that will last a lifetime as you enjoy a signature dining experience with your partner.

Signature Dining Experiences

  • BBQ Dining
  • Beach Dining
  • Garden Dining
  • In-Room Dining